How to Buy a Firearm

Purchasing Firearms Online: Legal Guidelines and Steps

Purchasing firearms online is completely legal, but there are essential points you must understand:

  1. Know the Laws: It's your responsibility to be familiar with both state and federal regulations regarding firearms. This includes understanding any special permits or restrictions required for firearm or ammunition ownership.

  2. Mandatory Shipment to an FFL: By law, all firearms must be shipped to a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder. Direct shipment to your home address is not permitted.

  3. Firearm Collection Process: Once you've ordered a firearm and it's arrived at the FFL of your choice, you must fill out a 4473 (Firearm Transaction Record) form and undergo a background check. Clearance to receive the firearm is granted upon successful completion of this process.

Key Considerations for Online Firearm Purchases

  • FFL Transfer Fees: FFL dealers typically charge a fee, ranging from $20 to $55, to facilitate the transfer.

  • Sales Tax: Some states may require payment of sales tax at the point of transfer if it wasn't paid online.

  • State-Specific Regulations: For residents of California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York, it’s crucial to verify that the firearm you're purchasing is legal in your state.
  • Inspection Before Finalizing: Before completing the 4473 form, inspect the firearm at your FFL’s location to check for any damage, defects, or functional issues.

Remember, adhering to these guidelines ensures a lawful and secure process when buying firearms online.

Post-Purchase Procedure for Online Firearm Transactions

After completing your firearm purchase, here are the steps for a smooth process:

  1. FFL License Confirmation: You might receive an email asking for a copy or photo of your chosen FFL’s license. If we already have their license on file, no further action is required from you.

  2. Requirement of FFL License for Shipping: For us to ship your firearm, we need an actual copy or photo of your FFL’s license. Without this, we cannot proceed with your order. To expedite the process, we encourage you to proactively obtain and provide this information, given our high volume of daily orders.

  3. Uploading FFL Information: The FFL image can be uploaded by you or your dealer via our dedicated link: FFL Upload.

  4. Order Processing and Shipping Schedule: Orders are shipped from Monday through Friday. The processing time, once we have received both payment and the FFL/FFL Image, typically ranges from 24 to 96 hours.

  5. Tracking Your Order: Upon shipment of your order, you will receive an email with the tracking information, allowing you to monitor the delivery status.

It’s crucial to follow these steps to ensure legal compliance and a timely delivery of your firearm purchase.